
Monday, August 5, 2019

Zoanthropes and weretouched

Previously I used the word "zoanthrope" to refer to humans that assume animal forms but are not lycanthropes. (Although technically it may be synonymous.) This may be the result of a racial trait as with the mhuinntir and skinwalker races, or might be the result of a class feature such as with the druid and shifter. Thus, zoanthropes are suitable as player characters.

The weretouched are individuals with any therianthrope ancestry, not necessarily lycanthropes, such as from a werewolf, jackalwere, or kitsune. This may grant them shapeshifting, ranging from the limited physical changes displayed by the wereblooded or skinwalker races all the way to the extreme therianthropy displayed by the weretouched archetype for the shifter class.

Keith Baker's hypothetical "pure lycanthrope" are another example of a zoanthrope.

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