© Beth Trott |
Nomenclature: illujan, inphidian, nagaji, ophidokolasis, ophiduan, reptoid, samat, scalrath, serpentfolk, viskanya, etc
Description: squamous humanoids descended from lost empire, prone to mutation and crossbreeding
Description: squamous humanoids descended from lost empire, prone to mutation and crossbreeding
All reptilian humanoids, including serpentfolk, ultimately descend from a saurian race which built and ruled Atlantis. The saurians were divided into a number of castes (including snake, gecko, chameleon, crocodile and tortoise) which ultimately gave rise to the reptilians we are familiar with: lizardfolk, serpentfolk, kobolds, troglodytes, xulgath, etc. After the fall of Atlantis at the hands of the Aboleth (and possibly the Ogdoad summoned by the Deluge), their peoples have largely degenerated into the familiar savage tribes. A few bastions of their old civilization still exist in remote locations.
Serpentfolk are prone to mutation and thus have highly variable appearances (like the snakemen from He-Man), such as humanoid versus centauroid body plans, limbs with extra joints, larger or smaller size, snakes for arms, a nest of snakes for a head, a body made of snakes, and so on. Furthermore, they have engaged in crossbreeding programs with humans and demi-humans to create servants and spies. In some cases, the perfected hybrids assumed control of serpentfolk society and reduced the purebreds to second-class citizens.
Modern serpentfolk generally come in three castes: anguineum, semiferum and hominis. The anguineum are the purebred serpentfolk race and as stated above have a highly variable appearance. The hominis combine the best traits of their parent races and as stated above have generally taken over their society; they are visually identical to demikind but with finely scaled skin, though certain varieties may have different traits like retractable fangs or patchy scales. The semiferum are hybrid freaks with many grotesque variations, such as the "snake centaur," who are typically enslaved by the upper castes; ironically, they are the most likely to sympathize with demikind and become adventurers.
The unfamiliar may easily mistake the castes and variants as different races, but they are all serpentfolk. All castes of serpentfolk are immune to venom, may empathize and communicate with serpentine creatures, and possess at least rudimentary psychic powers. There is also an honorary fourth caste of penitents, the result of mystical blessings, curses or experiments granting serpentine features to other races such as the snake-handed inphidian (and the deceptive scalrath derived from them) or the degenerate scalefolk.
Other "serpentfolk" and similar monsters from third party products should be easy to slot into one of these castes.
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© Loïc Muzy |
Modern serpentfolk generally come in three castes: anguineum, semiferum and hominis. The anguineum are the purebred serpentfolk race and as stated above have a highly variable appearance. The hominis combine the best traits of their parent races and as stated above have generally taken over their society; they are visually identical to demikind but with finely scaled skin, though certain varieties may have different traits like retractable fangs or patchy scales. The semiferum are hybrid freaks with many grotesque variations, such as the "snake centaur," who are typically enslaved by the upper castes; ironically, they are the most likely to sympathize with demikind and become adventurers.
The unfamiliar may easily mistake the castes and variants as different races, but they are all serpentfolk. All castes of serpentfolk are immune to venom, may empathize and communicate with serpentine creatures, and possess at least rudimentary psychic powers. There is also an honorary fourth caste of penitents, the result of mystical blessings, curses or experiments granting serpentine features to other races such as the snake-handed inphidian (and the deceptive scalrath derived from them) or the degenerate scalefolk.
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© sickingstar |
Other "serpentfolk" and similar monsters from third party products should be easy to slot into one of these castes.
Sources: Counter Collection Gold: Illujans, The Iconic Bestiary: Classics of Fantasy, Slavelords of Cydonia, Ssethregore: In the Coils of the Serpent Empire, Vigil Watch: Secrets of the Asaatthi, Nyambe: African Adventures, Pathfinder Bestiary, Ultimate Psionics, Slayer's Guide to Yuan-Ti, Monster Geographica: Hill & Mountain, Tome of Horrors Complete, Monster Encyclopaedia Volume II Dark Bestiary
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© Rascality |
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