Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Some thoughts on the lusca (sharktopus)

The lusca is a cryptid reputed to swim the waters of the Caribbean, variously described as part shark, dragon, and octopus. In modern popular culture, like Pathfinder Bestiary, it is often depicted as a "sharktopus."
Googling sharktopus gets all sorts of interesting art. These sorts of creatures have many variations in appearance. Here are some examples I found:

The squark ("squid-shark") or shuid ("shark-squid") is a giant squid with the mouth of a shark, including the rows of teeth, replacing its typical beak. These appear in the D&D Monstrous Manual and one individual, named "Sharg", appears in the Dark Sun campaign setting.

The sharktopus ("shark-octopus") is a shark with its tail replaced by the arms (and tentacles, if any) of a cephalopod, typically an octopus.

The three-headed sharktopus is similar to the sharktopus, except with three heads. This is the "lusca" depicted in Pathfinder Bestiary.

A fourth variety, the bearsharktopus ("bear-shark-octopus"), is the deadliest. It has the body of a bear, the head of a shark, and the arms of an octopus.


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