Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Unlike many of the other planetouched races, the Leonork tribes are not originally from the Material Plane. They first came into existence eons ago when a rogue Orc deity, whose name has been lost to the mists of history and time, was outcast from the Orc pantheon for being “too softhearted”. She was created from the calls of fallen Orc warriors, who wished for a quick, merciful death on the battlefield but the head of the Orc pantheon banished her shortly after her creation. Upon leaving, she wandered into the celestial realms of the Leonals and was welcomed by the celestials and given a realm to call her own. There, with the blessing of the Leonals, she created a race in the image of the Orc but with the spirit of a Leonal and named them “Leonorks”. The Leonorks came to live much like their Orcish relatives but with benevolence and celestial ideals. Eons have passed since their creation and the tribes of the Leonorks have found their way to many planes. Here, in the Material Plane, they have joined together with the goodly races in a war upon the Orc and Goblinoid races, an endless crusade to destroy all evil from the world.

© John Ryan Byrd
Personality: Pride and a personal code of honor are the meat and drink of a Leonork’s being and anyone who offends such sentiments usually meets a bloody end if evil lies in their hearts. Proud and boastful of their accomplishments, the Leonork are a people bred upon the principles of their Leonal ancestors and live for the thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of destroying the evil of the world. Little else matters to them. Many who have meet a Leonork have described them as fierce, competitive, and stubborn in all matters of life. The Leonork, with a mighty laugh and potent slap on the back, is sure to agree.

Physical Description: Tall and muscular, a Leonork stands between five and a half and seven feet tall. Males are slightly taller and heavier than females but both sexes are heavily muscled and have corded arms and legs that are lightly covered with tawny colored hair. Leonorks have a grayish skin tone and their hair grows thick with a “fur-like” texture. Males tend to grow their hair long and full, akin to a lion’s mane, with a full beard, while females keep their hair cut short and close to their low-set ears. Leonork hair ranges in color from light yellow to dark brown. Leonork features are mostly Orcish in appearance, save for the absence of lower tusks, and they have cat-like eyes that are either green or yellow. Leonorks have overgrown canine teeth and sharp, talon-like claws on both their hands and feet. Piercing and tribal tattooing is common among Leonork society and most wear little clothing, save for some sort of armor as battle is never far away for the crusading Leonork.

Relations: Those that would ally with the Leonorks in their crusade against the evils of the world find them to be steadfast yet reckless allies who would impale themselves upon the spears of their enemies if it meant taking a few more with them. Elves and Dwarves have a hard time looking past the Leonork’s Orc blood and often view them with suspicion, yet even they cannot doubt the efficiency of a Leonork in battle. Other goodly races find their endless amounts of boasting and prideful ways to be exhausting, but many will gladly fight alongside the Leonork for they have goodness in their hearts and wield a wickedly sharp blade against evil. Half-Orcs, in particular, are fond of Leonorks and are often adopted in Leonork tribes if they can match their fury and righteousness. Orcs and Goblinoids are the natural enemies of the Leonorks and it would take an exceptionally goodhearted and persistent member of these races to win the heart and trust of a Leonork. Most, however, don’t get the chance as the Leonorks are prone to swing first and ask intentions later when it concerns these races.

Alignment: The heart of the Leonork is chaotic due to their Orcish blood but it is tempered by the fiery pride and celestial fury of the Leonal. Most young Leonorks are chaotic good, for the rage of their celestial blood drives them to the forefront of the battle with evil and they are often barbarians. Older Leonorks are usually neutral good, for the fury has cooled in them but they still fight for the cause of good, although a bit more mindful of those around them. The occasional Leonork paladin, while lawful, has a reckless streak, for the blood of his Leonal and Orc ancestors refuses to be quelled completely and drives him to sometimes bend, but not break, the law. Neutral or evil aligned Leonorks are rare, as their society drives them to embrace the cause of good and not fall to the evils of their Orc relations.

Religion: Religion is viewed with the same pride and boasting as most things in Leonork society and they loudly proclaim their dedication to a deity and their chosen god’s deeds and accomplishments. Leonorks do not venerate the Orc pantheon and turn to the worship of Human and Half-Orc deities. They often follow gods of conflict, fury, nature, rangers, survival, and war. A few Leonorks are so prideful that they refuse to worship a deity, seeing such beings as “beneath their notice”. Needless to say, these Leonorks are young, foolish, and very likely to live a short, brutal, albeit glorious, life.

Language: Leonorks rarely take the time to converse with other races, for they are constantly waging war against the vile forces of the evil monstrous races from which they were spawned. A Leonork’s voice is booming and filled with the righteous fury of the Leonal, becoming akin to a roar when the Leonork is shouting orders or calling forth a challenge to his enemies. Language is nothing more than a way to taunt one’s enemies or give rallying cries to one’s allies to a Leonork, and they learn only what they need to continue their holy crusade against the darkness of the world.

Lands: Leonorks live in tribes, much like their Orcish kin, but tend to settle in forests and valleys, as opposed to mountains and subterranean lairs. While they settle in areas that are populated with Elves and other forest dwellers, Leonorks do their best to either ally with or isolate themselves from their neighbors, as they know that their presence is being sorely tolerated by the fairer races. Leonorks are semi-nomadic and often journey south to warmer lands during the winter and roam in “prides” when they are adventuring or migrating. Solitary Leonorks, often those who have been outcast from their tribe or otherwise wish to be alone, will settle in small hamlets or abandoned glades. Few Leonorks will live in any sort of large city.

Names: Leonorks take their names from the Sylvan language and avoid Orcish names as much as they can. Their names consist of two parts; one name that is a title or prophecy of greatness (or rarely, shame) that is given by the tribal elder or shaman and one name that is the common name that the Leonork is called outside of their tribe. The name of the tribe is often taken in the place of a surname and, as the Leonork’s list of deeds grows, so does their roster of conquests that they proudly recite when challenging an opponent or introducing themselves to fellow warriors.

Adventurers: The adventuring Leonork is often a ranger or barbarian who is hunting with his fellow Leonorks or on a crusade against a region’s Orc or Goblin population with like-minded hunters and adventurers. Barbarians, fighters, paladins, and rangers are the most common class choices for the Leonork and their considerable strength serves them well in these professions. Leonork rangers focus on eradicating their natural enemies: Orcs and Goblinoids. The rare Leonork monk is a focused engine of unarmed destruction, capable of dealing blows that would shatter stone and Goblins alike. Clerics and druids are the primary caster choices for the Leonork and many of the tribe’s elders are from these classes. Bards are an uncommon yet likely choice for the boastful Leonork and every tribe has a bard who serves as their diplomat, herald, and chronicler. Rogues, sorcerers, and wizards are rare choices for the martially inclined and dogmatic Leonorks.

Children of the Planes, Copyright 2007, Tangent Games: Authors: Chris McCoy and Christina McCoy

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