Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Ecology of elemental verms, weirds and wyrds

Weirds, also called wyrds and verms, are elementals characterized by their serpentine forms, dependence upon pools of their element, and being in touch with fate itself. Weirds come in the classical elements of air, earth, fire and water, as well as esoteric substances like acid, blood, frost, fungus, ice, lava, lightning, magma, mud, ooze, smoke and snow.

Elemental Dragons ©2007 UdonCrew
Least Weirds. Weirds begin life as small, bestial elementals. These least weirds are ambush predators which camouflage themselves within pools of their element. When prey comes within reach, they assume a serpentine form to grab the prey and drag it into their pool to be drowned and devoured. Rarer varieties, like the comozant weird, feed their curiosity instead of their stomachs (if such distinction exists in that case).

Lesser Weirds. As they age, however, weirds become more intelligent and develop more impressive capabilities. This is attributed to their innate connection to fate, which supposedly whispers to them. Lesser weirds develop simple enhancements such as dominating nearby elementals of the same element, reforming from their pool after apparent death and an appreciation for bribes.

Greater Weirds. Greater weirds develop higher intelligence, oracular powers and spell casting. They may shape themselves into more complex forms as well: attractive humanoids, squirming masses of serpents, many-armed squids, and so forth as suits their current mood. They are usually sought out for their esoteric knowledge and gift of prophecy.

Elemental Pools. Weirds cannot survive outside of their element, or something which conducts their element, though a small pool is sufficient to sustain one. This makes them easy to contain on other planes without binding spells. Thus, elementalists commonly summon least or lesser weirds to serve them as guardians. Water weirds are the typical choice, as they are easily camouflaged within fountains and wells.

Comozant Wyrd ©2014 Paizo Publishing, LLC
Sources: Adventures Dark & Deep Bestiary, Dragon #347 ("The Ecology of the Elemental Weird"), Monster Manual (5e), Monster Manual II (3e), Pathfinder Bestiary 4, Rappan Athuk, Tome of Horrors 4, Tome of Horrors Complete

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